Any Man I Want Read online

Page 4


  I almost stomped my foot in frustration. “I know that. I mean what part?”

  “Highland Park.” He named a very prestigious and traditional tree-lined neighborhood where the uber-rich, old money, and power brokers live.

  “Highland Park?” I arched a brow.

  “Highland Park.”

  “I would have pegged you for a loft in Uptown. Or a townhouse near Legacy.” Legacy was a new live-work-play area north of Dallas with corporate headquarters, night spots, planned communities and upscale eateries. It was a haven for up-and-coming professionals.

  “Four-bedroom house in Highland Park.”

  “Seriously?” That was the home and neighborhood of someone planning on settling down and having a family. Carter had some hidden depths I knew nothing about. But... I was quickly thinking I wanted to learn.

  “Seriously,” he confirmed, grinning as if he knew what I was thinking.

  “So are you rich?”

  “You need a loan, Kit-Kat?” he drawled.

  “Nope, I’m just asking.”

  “I can afford you, princess.”

  I sent a side-eye his way. “I can afford myself, thank you very much.”

  “You’re welcome very much. You know, we actually have a lot in common.”

  “We do?” I wondered what.

  “We do. We both became successful in careers that require spectators and look a lot more glamorous from the outside looking in. We’re both originally from Louisiana. We both put family above all else. We both get underestimated when people don’t look beneath the surface with us. And we both like doing things for ourselves, hate to admit weakness, and won’t back down from a fight.”

  “Huh.” I let all of that sink in. He got me. Probably better than anyone else I could think of. I wasn’t sure what to do with that.

  “And of course, we both look good. Any other questions before we film this?”

  “Actually, yes. Has that plane been sterilized since the last time Beau and Belle were on it? I heard they tried to christen every surface.”

  He laughed. “It’s been thoroughly scrubbed. You ready to do this?”

  “Now’s as good a time as any.”

  He motioned to a young guy standing over to the side clutching a small video camera. “Katrina, this is my assistant, Shawn. Shawn, Katrina Montgomery.”

  Shawn almost tripped over his feet hustling forward. “Ms. Montgomery, I’m delighted to meet you. Pictures don’t do you justice.” He looked to be in his early twenties and was dressed in a pink polo shirt and khaki pants. I stood up as he approached and—just because I could—when he extended his hand to shake I took it, held it, and leaned in to kiss his cheek.

  “Enchanté, Shawn. I hope you’re referring to pictures in which I’m clothed?” I teased in a sultry voice.

  If it was possible for a dark-skinned black man to blush, Shawn did just that. “Oh. I—well—now.” He shot a panicked, awed look over to Carter.

  Carter shook his head and stood up. “Katrina, have mercy on the young’un. We still have a two-hour flight ahead of us.”

  “Where are we headed?” I queried.

  “Punta Cana.” He named a popular resort town in the Dominican Republic.

  “Another beach?”

  “Problems, diva?”

  “I’m just wondering what the point of taking me off one beach to deposit me on another one would be?” Shawn’s head swiveled back and forth as he watched the byplay between us.

  “I’m borrowing a house there. No one will know how to find you. Maybe I need a few days off. You can scout locations for the summer catalog. The Dominican Republic is lovely this time of year. Need any other reasons?”

  I sighed. “Fine.”

  “So glad you approve.”

  I dug into my purse, pulled out a small makeup kit, and touched up my lipstick, added some drama to my eyes, and brushed a sparkly bronzer across my cheeks and forehead. I bent over and ran a brush through my hair before flinging it back and teasing it on the ends. “I’m ready for my close-up.”

  Shawn’s jaw dropped as he took in the results of my quick makeover. “Wow.”

  “Close your mouth, Shawn, and pick up the camera.”

  “She’s like a goddess or something,” Shawn stammered as he fumbled to get the camera operational.

  “Or something.” Carter shot me a look. “See what you’ve done? You’ve fried Shawn.” He reached over, patted Shawn on the shoulder, and took the camera. “You wanna practice or just go on three?”

  “We’ll go on three.”

  He held up the camera, aimed it, fiddled with the setting, and then motioned one, two, three with his other hand.

  I took a deep breath, exhaled, and flashed my runway smile. “Hi everybody, it’s Katrina Montgomery here. You’ve been reading and watching a lot of things about me recently. I wish I could say that everything Kevin Delancey said wasn’t true. But, unfortunately, I did make the disastrous error of sleeping with him twice, indoors, with the lights out. It lasted about fifteen minutes. It wasn’t noteworthy. And it certainly wasn’t worth trading any favors or risking my reputation over. In fact, sometime after the first three minutes of the awkward episode, I would have paid him to cease, desist, and leave. Imagine my surprise to see a fabricated video that in no way resembles the truth. Just to be clear, I have never and would never offer my body as payment for anything. I’m a designer, a businesswoman, and a model—not a hooker. Or at the prices he’s quoting, that would be more like a call girl or escort? Pardon me if my terminology is off. I’m not as acquainted with the seamy side of life as Kevin appears to be. The only errors in judgment I’m guilty of involve an unfortunate obsession with neon lace leggings in my early twenties and having the audacity to break up with a mega-maniacal multimillionaire who has never heard the word no or thumbed through Sex for Dummies. Really, Kevin, just a passing acquaintanceship with female anatomy? Would do you a world of good, sir. An entire world.”

  Carter cleared his throat.

  I got back on track. “But that’s neither here nor there. In the meantime, it seems that I’m a little too popular for my own good right now, so I’m going off the grid for a while. A family friend is whisking me away. Love and appreciation to those of you who have supported me and continue to see me for who I truly am.” I raised my hand in the peace gesture. “Team Kat!” I winked.

  “That’s a wrap,” Carter said before handing the camera to Shawn. “Upload it and send it to Beau before we take off, will you?” Shawn nodded and ran off. Carter swept me up in his arms and swung me around. “You rocked it.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and giggled. “I kinda did, didn’t I?”

  “Oh, yeah. Neon lace leggings? Cease, desist, and leave? Sex for Dummies? Instant classics.” He set me back on my feet and I stood loosely in his embrace.

  I snickered. “That was the nice version. The first draft in my head had a line about him being a two-inch, two-minute, two-faced bastard.”

  Carter winced. “Harsh.”

  “But true.”

  “I’m curious. What did you see in the dude?”

  “I was trying to date a grown-up. And he masqueraded as one for a little while.”

  “You need to upgrade your taste in men, girlie.”

  “Got anyone specific in mind?” I peered up at him through my lashes.

  “Only one possible candidate.” He yanked me back up against him and kissed me with precision, purpose, and power. I immediately caught fire and my head started spinning, thoughts scattering like grains of sand swept out to sea. His lips moved against mine as if he had been kissing me for years. He knew exactly where to slide his tongue, where to nibble, where to soothe. My hands gripped the back of his neck and I was tempted to climb him like a tree and cling for dear life. His hands grazed my rear before he broke off the kiss. “That’s addictive,” he muttered in a gravelly voice that indicated he was no less affected than I was.

bsp; “Wow,” I whispered.


  “I mean . . . whoa.” I licked my lips and tried to get my bearings.

  He ran a finger along my jaw and dropped a quick kiss on my lips. “Let’s go, diva, we’re due a conversation.”

  “Naked conversation?” I asked hopefully.

  He smirked. “We talk with clothes on first and then we see what comes next.”

  I blinked at him in amazement. As much heat as we just generated and he wanted to spend time talking? Like, actually talking? “You’re not planning on getting me naked soon?”

  Shawn had walked back in on the last half of that sentence and stopped dead in his tracks. “Uh, do you want me to come back later?”

  Carter shot me another look and waved him forward. “Video transmit okay?”

  “Yes, we got confirmation that Mr. Montgomery received it. He said it will be up shortly, safe travels, and not to forget what he said about your bones. I’ll see you back in Dallas in a few days. Great to meet you, Ms. Montgomery.”

  I smiled and waved at Shawn before I raised a brow in Carter’s direction, “Your bones?”

  “Yeah, Beau threatened to break them if I break your heart,” he announced casually as he glanced at his watch.

  “My heart? You talked to my brother about my heart?”

  “Problems, diva?”

  “One, I’m about tired of you calling me a diva. Two, you talked to my brother about being with me?”

  “Three, I’m not getting you naked fast enough?” he added with a knowing smirk.

  I didn’t know whether to slap him, kiss him, or storm off. I contemplated the wisdom of doing all three. I was a little insulted that he didn’t seem eager to consummate what we started. Most men wanted to get to that part right away. One of the reasons I had been semi-impressed with Kevin was that he seemed (in the beginning, at least) willing to wait for the naked part. Now I found myself frustrated that Carter was applying the brakes.

  He reached out, picked up my purse, and handed it to me. He took my other hand in his and started walking toward the tarmac. “I’m a different kind of guy. One, you are a diva. It’s fine, I’m cool with it. Part of your charm. Two, I talked to your brother about dating you and your heart came into the conversation. He’s cool with us exploring whatever there is between us. Provided no heartbreak occurs. Three, part of this exploration involves getting to know each other. With and without clothes on. You didn’t even know my middle name thirty minutes ago.”

  “I don’t need to know your middle name to sleep with you. I’ve known you for over ten years. Do we really need all the foreplay and seduction after all this time?”

  He pointed toward himself. “I’m Carter. Not the other guys you’ve had falling at your feet. I’ll respect your brain, worship your body, cherish your company, enjoy your conversation, indulge some of your whims, and honor your wishes as much I can. Okay? I know you, Kat. I got you. But I’ll do these things on my terms. Not yours. Are we clear?”

  I drew to a stop at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the plane. My eyes locked with his. It was a battle of wills that he clearly intended to win. I was not this girl. The girl who lets men—this man—tell them what to do. The girl who lets a man take her by the hand and lead her along. I was strong, independent, and self-sufficient. I was a Montgomery. We stood up. We pushed back. We made ourselves heard. We made up our own minds, forged our own paths, and damned anyone who didn’t like it.

  But seriously, what’s a girl supposed to say to those words that rolled off his tongue, those words that came effortlessly out of his mouth in that sexy baritone? This man flew to my rescue just because my brother asked him to. Maybe because he wanted to be there for me. I didn’t know, but either way he got in a jet and came for me. For me. This man who had intrigued me for years. When this man who also made me weak from one kiss took me by the hand and told me he’s got me, what’s left for me to say? “We’re clear.”

  “Thanks,” he said quietly.

  “For what?”

  “Not fighting me.”

  I flashed a smile. “I’m not always easy.”

  “You’re never easy. Again . . . part of your charm.”

  “As long as you know what you’re getting into,” I warned him.

  “Oh, I know. Do you?”

  “Not a clue.”

  “All right, then.” He nodded and escorted me onto the plane, greeting the pilot. “We’re ready to go, George.”

  “Right away, sir. The weather is clear and the winds are on our side. We’ll be there in about an hour and thirty-five minutes. Welcome aboard, Ms. Montgomery.”

  “Thank you, George.” I opened an overhead compartment and noticed my laptop case was already there. I slid my purse in beside it and sat down. Carter settled next to me and buckled in.

  “You still wanna have that talk?”

  “How long are we going to be in Punta Cana?”

  “Four or five days at the least.”

  “We’ll talk there. I just wanna—”

  “Do nothing and stare out the window at the water?” he asked.

  I stared at him in amazement. “How did you know that?”

  “You once said it’s one of your favorite ways to unwind, to fly over the water and think about absolutely nothing.”

  I racked my brain, trying to think of when I’d said that. “I don’t even remember saying it out loud.”

  “It was the year you all came out and watched me play the Pro Bowl. You were griping about how long the flight was. You had on this tiny pink bikini with the sexiest gold sandals.” He shrugged and looked away.

  I placed my hand on his arm. “Carter, that was like five years ago.”

  “The bikini was memorable,” he joked.

  “You remember what I said. You’ve been paying attention for a while, haven’t you?”

  He shrugged again. “I watch.”

  “You watch me.”

  “According to Beau, you’ve been watching me right back.”

  I sniffed in exasperation. “Beau talks too much.”

  “You’ll get no argument from me on that point. If I had a dime for the times his mouth wrote a check his ass couldn’t cash.”

  “Do tell?” I prompted. I knew some of Beau’s scandalous past, but none of Carter’s. I found myself rabidly curious.

  “No, ma’am. I’m already trying to date his sister; I can’t break any more of the bro code for at least a decade,” Carter teased as he keyed some text into his cell phone and turned it off before tucking it into his jacket pocket.

  An older woman walked down the aisle from the front of the plane. “Hi Carter, would you and your guest like anything before takeoff?”

  “I’m good, Sheryl, thanks. Katrina?”

  “No. Maybe some water after we get in the air?”

  “Same for you, Carter?”

  “Sounds good. Thanks for coming out on short notice.” He flashed a smile.

  She laughed delightedly. “Sure, it’s a real trial to hop a plane to spend a week in the Caribbean. How will I ever escape these oppressive working conditions?” She giggled again as she set about readying the plane for departure.

  I sighed. That right there would have never happened with Kevin. He belittled his staff and rarely had a kind word for them. Not once had I seen a worker giggle with joy at performing their job. Carter was an actual grown-up and a gentleman. Just when I was starting to wonder if those type of men still existed, here he was.

  “What’s the deep sigh and deep thought about?” Carter asked quietly.

  “How do you know I’m thinking deeply?”

  “You get this line in the middle of your forehead when you’re deep in concentration.”

  “A line?” I shrieked.

  “Barely visible to the naked eye, princess. I think you’re safe from Botox.”

  “You mention lines and Botox to a model who turns thirty in a few months? That’s like sixty in model years.” This was a man
who was not worried about tiptoeing around my feelings.

  “Like you care. You only model for your own design company anymore. Besides, you know you still look good. Lock down the divatude.”

  “Lock down the—” I couldn’t think of the last time a man pushed my buttons like this.

  “You were reflecting on something deep before we got sidetracked?” He reached over and buckled my seat belt, brushing the back of his hands across my chest as he retreated.

  I narrowed my eyes. “I was thinking that you are a gentleman and an actual grown-up, but I may have been hasty in my assessment.”

  “Because I keep you off-balance? Challenge you? C’mon, now. At least be truthful.”

  “What do you mean?” I frowned at him.

  He leaned over and took my hand in his, tracing lines from my wrist to the tips of my fingernails and back again. Such a simple touch, but it sent tingles along my nerves. He lowered his voice. “You like it. You like not knowing what I’m going to do next. Wondering when I’ll touch you and where. Anticipating how good it will feel when I do.”

  He was right. I did like it, but I’d be damned if I let him know. I snatched my hand back and closed my eyes. “I believe I’ll nap.”

  He chuckled softly. “Sweet dreams, Kitty.”


  You may be a scoundrel, but you’re a gentleman

  Carter—Monday, May 23—8:32 p.m.

  I sunk onto the chaise lounge overlooking the infinity pool and the ocean beyond before releasing a pent-up sigh. The modern, tropical-style villa was four bedrooms and four baths and backed onto a stretch of private beach. The entire place was styled in muted blues and greens and added to the ambiance of much-needed relaxation. My schedule had been unusually hectic of late, but today had been an especially long day.

  Beau called me last night when he got the heads-up on Kevin’s plan and I’d set things in motion before flying out early this morning. Between flying and plotting and dealing with the diva, I was ready for some downtime. After landing in Punta Cana, Katrina disappeared into her suite of rooms and I had fired up my laptop to get in touch with the office. Contrary to the events of the day so far, I had other concerns beyond Katrina Montgomery’s sex life.